
About us

Frontrunner is a Danish sports nutrition and lifestyle brand. Since day one, we have been on a mission to set new standards for quality and taste. You shouldn't have to compromise. That’s what inspired Frontrunner to be … well, frontrunners. When it comes to functional sports products, nutritional supplements and fit lifestyle products, Frontrunner is one of the most innovative brands in the Nordics. 

At Frontrunner, we go above and beyond to develop and produce premium quality products. You can see this reflected in our choice of ingredients, packaging design and product features. Nothing is left to chance. Natural flavouring and premium protein is a given, transparency is key and most products are produced in the Frontrunner factory in Denmark. 

The Frontrunner brand is all about team spirit and inspiration. Frontrunner is for everyone. The products are loved and trusted by elite athletes, everyday athletes and beginners. Anyone chasing a goal, really. 

Amazing taste

Trusted by millions of consumers

Premium quality

Natural flavouring

Made in Denmark

Most innovative company*
* according to Euromonitor

Go ahead, dive in. We have answered both frequently and not so frequently asked questions.

What is Frontrunner? 

That’s a good one. Thanks for asking. Frontrunner is a Danish sports nutrition and lifestyle brand. Since day one, we have been on a mission to set new standards for quality and taste. We develop and produce premium quality and great-tasting products for health-conscious consumers. 
We don’t want to be one of those brands who won’t stop talking about how awesome they are. But Frontrunner is one of the most innovative brands within sports nutrition and fit lifestyle in the Nordics. We just thought you’d like to know. 

Where is it made?

We are proud of the fact that we produce most of our products in Denmark - and we have a team of experts overseeing everything. From start to finish. Nothing is left to chance. 

Why should I choose Frontrunner? 

We go above and beyond to develop and produce premium quality products. We don’t do shortcuts. Our products are loved and trusted by elite athletes, everyday athletes and beginners. So, why shouldn't you choose Frontrunner? 
Here is some boring (official) stuff to give you some extra assurance: We operate in accordance with the principal guidelines set and defined in the HACCP and FSSC standard. Our factory in Denmark is inspected regularly by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration. Our products are approved by the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of Denmark.  

Is Frontrunner for me? 

Frontrunner is for anyone chasing a goal. Since you’re reading the FAQ of a sports and lifestyle brand, you probably have some sort of interest in healthy, active living. Whether it is building muscle, improving cardio or leading a healthier lifestyle – we’re here for you. Frontrunner is all about inspiration, support and team spirit. 

Why is the brand called Frontrunner? 

We like to stay ahead of things and be innovative. We don’t think anyone should settle when it comes to taste and quality. 

Who are you running from? 

The competition. 

Who developed Frontrunner? 

Frontrunner is developed by The Feelgood Company and Bodylab ApS. The Feelgood Company is a brand house and e-commerce company delivering products within wellness and beauty. We manage a broad range of brands and we constantly seek to be on the forefront of new trends with innovative products and services on existing as well as new brands.
In the Nordics we are a leading player in influencer marketing and the development of influencer brands. Bodylab is the most innovative sports nutrition company in Denmark according to Euromonitor. 

Do you use genetically modified organisms (GMO)?

That’s a solid NO. 

Do you add sugar to your products?

Of course not, sweetie. ‘No sugar added’ is our jam. The sweetness in taste comes from natural sugars in the ingredients. In order to give you the best taste experience (without emptying the sugar bowl into your protein shake), we also use sweeteners. 
Let’s get one thing straight before your mind wanders off: Our protein powder is free from aspartame. What about AZO Dyes? Nope. You can cross those off the list too. 

Where does your protein come from?

The protein comes from fresh milk. Did you know milk protein is the best protein source in the world? 

We have long-standing partnerships with major dairies and teams of experts. They are protein specialists just like us, so we are guaranteed high-quality protein every single time. 

How about the flavour? Is it any good?

No. It’s awesome! Seriously, it'll make your taste buds do the happy dance! 
We buy our chocolate from Belgian chocolatiers. The vanilla is from Madagascar where the world's finest bourbon vanilla is grown. See where we’re going with this? 

What is amino spiking?

A crime, if you ask us. We don’t do amino spiking. Not now, not ever. Allow us to explain why… 
Imagine looking at a bag of protein powder. ‘72% protein’ is written in big fat letters. Can you trust that the protein powder contains 72% protein? Not always (say what?!). Say hi to amino spiking.
Here’s the deal. All proteins are made up of amino acids. 20 different ones, to be exact. The higher the concentration of amino acids, the higher the protein content will be. But amino acids are not just amino acids. Some manufacturers choose to add cheap amino acids to manipulate the protein content while keeping the cost down. Why? Well, probably to make more money. That’s amino spiking. 
Again: We don’t do that. 

Tell me where I can buy your products! 

Not really a question, my friend. But you can find our products in several webshops and physical stores. Visit our resellers page and we’ll tell you where to go: Resellers

How can I contact Frontrunner? 

We are happy to answer any questions you might have. Including your question on where to contact us. 
Do you have questions about our products? Please contact customer service via email:

Frontrunner Nutrition is a part of Jordanes. Jordanes reports on ESG and Åpenhetsloven as a group. All relevant information will be found at

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